This week’s top events
Brightly painted eggs, a pop-up café and Game of Thrones ¬– every Monday we tell you about the events you don’t want to miss this week.

Game of Thrones
Cinema – Monday 15 April, 8 pm
It’s nearly time to say goodbye to the war, sex and dragons. The last season of Game Of Thrones kicks off on Monday. Club Hard One is screening the first episode at 10:15 pm. Before and after the screening there’ll be a chance for a drink and a chat – no doubt revolving around the GOT plot.
Club Hard One, Hardstr. 260, 8005 Zurich, 8 pm

Chez Nous
Dining – Thursday, 18 April, 6 pm
At the end of March, Café Chez Nous posted a photo of an elderly woman rolling out pastry. The caption read: ‘Grandma is already testing the best recipes for you.’ Now it’s getting serious – the Chez Nous pop-up cafe opens its doors on Thursday. For six weeks you can call in for a coffee and sample the Grandma-approved sandwiches, soups and cakes.
Café Chez Nous, Sihlfeldstr. 63, 8003 Zurich, to 25 May

Egg painting
Crafts – Friday 19 April, 11 am – 2 pm
Are the eggs in your fridge still looking a little pale? Don’t panic! On Friday everyone is invited to leaf through feel-good books, paint on canvas, and paint eggs for Easter. The paint is provided, just bring along your own eggs. Drinks and snacks will also be available so that you’re not tempted to eat your eggs on the way home!
Paint Events, Bederstrasse 2, 8003 Zurich

15 years of Boyahkasha!
Party – Sunday 21 April, 10 pm
Drag queens are flying in from around the world to celebrate the 15th birthday of Zurich’s most famous gay party. In the 10th season of the US TV series Ru Paul’s Drag Race, Aquaria and Kameron Michaels took first and second place. After their shows, there’ll be dancing on different floors to Dance, House, Hip-Hop and R’n’B.
Plaza, Badenerstrasse 109, 8004 Zurich, Entry: 25 francs